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MCS023 Syllabus

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This course will help the students to acquire the basic knowledge and practical skills relating to Relational Database Management Systems. After going through this course a student should be able to:

Describe the Database and Database Management System advantagesDescribe the file organization schemes for DBMSDescribe various types of index mechanisms for DBMSCreate small client server applicationsWrite SQL queries, create forms and queriesDraw E R diagrams and design of databasesDescribe and use features for Recovery, Concurrency and Security in DBMS.


The Database Management System Concepts: The file based system, The need of database, The structure of a database, Three level Architecture of databases, The need of three level architecture, the relational Model, The Entity relationship model, Conversion of ER diagrams to Relational Database, The database Integrity, functional dependency and Normalisation,, Conventional File Organisation, The sequential file organization, Index sequential, Hashing file organization, Multi key file organization and inverted files, Sparse and dense index, Index and B tree,  The Structured Query Language: What is SQL? The data definition of SQl,, the data manipulation through SQL, Views, Table handling, Nested Queries.Distributed and Client-Server Databases: Need for these systems, Advantages of the distributed and client server database systems, Data Replication, Fragmentation, Client server implementation examples, Distributed queries, Design issues of distributed and client server databases.Database Recovery: Transactions, States of Transactions, Checkpoints, Forward and Backward recovery, SQL commands for RecoveryConcurrency Management: Concurrency Related Problems, Locks, Two Phased Locking, Deadlocks and its Prevention, Concurrency Control, SQL commands to control concurrency.Database Security: Security and Integrity, Authorization, Data Access Control, SQL commands for Security GRANT and REVOKE.CASE STUDY: Implementation of a Database solution to an Industrial Problem. The description may include: The Problem statement, The basic requirements, Analysis details, The ER diagrams, Realistic database design, Screens and reports, Some MIS oriented query implementation, Summary.


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